Hal even according to my personal experiences can add to your spirit in menulis.Coba you imagine when your blog has a high traffic plus your articles interesting and useful has been ascertained pageview very high you will also probably could have matched this blog might even get past the o-om.com this blog: D.
I will give you five simple tips that can improve your blog pageview:
1. Updating Articles Every Day.
Why you should update the article every day? What to do with a pageview? Update articles every day will certainly add a lot of the articles you wrote on his blog anda.Bila one day there was a visitor who visited your blog, when visitors are reading your article and he's one benefit from your article is, surely he'll find articles -Other helpful articles on a blog he read an article anda.Setiap will add your pageview number.
2. Create interesting Title Pages
Do not let your blog readers miss an important article just because the title is less menarik.Dengan interesting article title most likely visitors curious to read the article.
3. Submit your article to Social Bookmarks
Surely you already know what it is a social bookmarking bookmark.Social can bring traffic to a social bookmarking banyak.Ada three sites that I normally use and special indeed Indonesian-language blogs are, lintasberita.com, infogue.com and antarblog.com.
4. Put Important Articles on Sidebar
Take advantage of your sidebar to provide ease of oada visitors to navigate the blog anda.Maksudnya attach those articles which you think is useful or interesting in the sidebar anda.Misalkan most popular articles from your blog, or article that is important to read your visitors.
5. Related Articles pairs under each of your posts
Point in almost the same as installing an important article in the sidebar, but this is usually related articles with one kategory articles are read by the visitors in tersebut.Ketika finished reading the article and then visitors to see related artikle just below the posting is not impossible that these visitors will continue to be interested in reading other articles.
Now you notice the composition of five tips that I have written in your atas.Pertama must update every day of articles in order to increase the number of articles on your blog more and more with the title of each article attracted the attention of visitors, after that you submit you articles to social sites visitor.Ketika bookmark to get interested visitors to visit and read one article you found useful or interesting then the visitors will find useful or other interesting articles by searching in the sidebar, or in related postings that you've put just under your postinganan.
Hopefully useful.
5 simple tips to increase your pageview
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